There are two types of Legs for Designer Bass FROGs™
Type #1 : Kicking Legs and Type #2: Skitter Legs

with Kicking Legs
The mass manufactured Clone Series FROGs come with the single color "kicking" legs. Even though they do not have the spots & markings, they do have the same bass triggering action of the Original Series Designer Bass FROGs™, and you can add markings with permanent marking pens, but the markings will only be temporary. However, you can have the fun of remarking them again with a new design idea.

Clone Series : FROG #5
with "Skitter Legs" and Stinger Hook rigged weedless
All of the Designer Bass FROGs™ can also be used with another type of leg called the "Skitter Leg" which will allow you to "buzz" your FROG over the surface to cover more water, searching quickly for more aggressive bass. There are 4 different Skitter Legs in the Skitter Leg / Stinger Hook Accessory Kit, yielding 8 different gurgling actions, depending on whether you attach them with the legs positoned "up" or "down". There is also an optional "Stinger" Hook that attaches in seconds, and if a bass tries to target "just" the legs, the Stinger will get them almost every time. In the photo above, the Stinger Hook is "Texas rigged" to be more weedless.

The Clone Series Designer Bass FROGs™ in the photos above and below all have the single color legs, but they all have the temporary spots and markings.

The two Designer Bass FROGs™ in the photo below are "Attractor Patterns" in the Replicant Series of FROGs. This real species is the "Red Phase" of the California Red Legs FROG. The legs on them are the standard, matching, "high detail", hand painted legs with permanent colors & markings that come standard with all Replicant & Original Series Designer Bass FROGs™.

The Designer Bass FROG™ below is is an Original Series California Red Legs FROG. It also has the matching standard high detail, hand painted legs for this normal color phase of the species.

All of the Original Series Designer Bass FROGs™ in the photo below have their matching standard, high detailed, hand painted legs for each of these real species of FROGs. The Dark Green Bull FROG at the top is wearing a set of "Leg Trainers" that keep the proper positioning for a FROG leg's optimum swimming action. All Orignal Series & Replicant Series Designer Bass FROGs™ come with their own set of Leg Trainers that should be worn when not fishing.

The Original Series Designer Bass FROG™ below is a Red Backed Poison Dart FROG, and it is wearing a set of matching DNA Hot Legs with 3D toes and translucent webbing between the toes. The "toe pads" are usually pronounced, and they help to exaggerate the appearance of the swimming motion. When a bass looks up at the FROG from below, it can see right through the webbing.

The FROG below is also an Original Series Designer Bass FROG™ with matching DNA Hot Legs™.

The photo below exhibits the Skitter Leg / Stinger Hook Kit mentioned above which is pre-rigged, so you can simply slide the center pin into your FROG body after taking the center pin with the kicking leg out of your FROG. As you can see, there are 4 different legs in the Kit.

You can learn more about using the Designer Bass FROG™ Skitter Leg / Stinger Hook Kit™ by going to the detailed webpage dedicated to that deadly accessory for the FROGs. The Skitter Legs can really speed up your search for the hungrier bass by covering more water faster. It is a great solution for situations where there is miles of cover . One of those legs, (Style #1- Action #2) when positioned downward, will turn your FROG into an immediate shallow diver or "wakebait ", creating the ultimate FROG "searchbait".
They actually catch you more bass than the kicking legs because you cover more water, hook the short strikers, and sometimes' they get you the big bass also!
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